Protective Services

We protect individuals, their families and their tangible assets in a holistic and effective manner from physical threats to espionage.

We assess and implement proportional measures to ensure all aspects of your security and privacy are covered in your everyday life while at home, work or traveling. The combination of experience, dedication, and intelligence technology guarantees you a discreet but effective experience.

Key Services Include:

  • Individual/family protection
  • Celebrity/diplomatic protection
  • Protective surveillance
  • Security chauffeur
  • Security operations center support
  • Technical surveillance/countermeasures
  • Estate Security
  • Travel risk assessments and advice
  • Meet and greet services globally
  • Intelligence updates 24/7
  • Notifications in real-time
  • Privacy protection


of cellphones and tablets have no security software


of fraudulent transactions come from mobile devices applications


increase in reported cybercrime since Covid-19 according to the FBI

Enjoy Peace of Mind

Our experience and expertise are available to you 24/7 to make sure you live the peaceful life you deserve.