Ovation Intelligence Suite

An automated risk protection platform that protects you, your family, data, reputation from external threats . It’s continuously maps and monitor your external digital footprint enabling you to respond faster to risks before they cause damage.


  • Executive & High-Profile Individual Protection
  • Brand & Reputation Protection
  • Identity Monitoring
  • Threat Monitoring
  • Geopolitical Advisory

Ovation Private Investigations & Intelligence Services

Asset Investigation

  • Locating money, funding sources, hidden assets, forfeited or missing that are critical to you and family legacy.

Cyber Investigation

  • Uncovering answers blurred deep in open web, social media’s and dark web.

Background Investigation

  • Researching the backgrounds and credentials of organizations and individuals allowing you factual decision making.

Due Diligence

  • Exposing financial risks, criminal activity, and actions detrimental to your personal stability.


of cellphones and tablets have no security software


of fraudulent transactions come from mobile devices applications


increase in reported cybercrime since Covid-19 according to the FBI

Enjoy Peace of Mind

Our experience and expertise are available to you 24/7 to make sure you live the peaceful life you deserve.