Ovation Cybersecurity & Privacy Suite

A holistic coverage for Executives, High-Profile Individuals and Families using state of the art technologies ensuring protection for personal devices like cell phones, tablets, computers and privacy in the cyber domain.


$200per month (Annual subscription)
  • *$100 per month (Annual subscription) per additional adults (Protect more adults under your plan in the same household)
  • Advanced device protection & monitoring (3 devices)
  • Privacy settings assistance on device
  • Digital identity monitoring
  • Identity theft protection & monitoring
  • Lost device recovery assistance
  • Multi-Factor Authentication assistance
  • Home networks monitoring (1 Home)
  • Personal advisory


Available as add-ons to your Cybersecurity & Privacy Suite

Dependent Children

$40per month per child
  • Protect dependent children under your plan

Additional Homes

$40per month per home
  • Add other Homes under your plan

Additional Devices

$40per month per device
  • Protect more devices under your plan

Additional Adults

$100per month
  • Protect more adults under your plan in the same household

Ovation Private Digital Ecosystem

Protect your personal information, privacy, reputation and reduce financial loss possibility.


$40per month
  • A unified personal private security platform that includes:
  • A digital identity bringing a unique credential to access Ovation Americas and affiliated services.
  • A digital certificate, that enables strong authentication and digital signature also use to protect your email.
  • A personal encrypted vault, where you can store securely confidential information with 50 GB of cloud space that stay under your exclusive control.
  • A suite of web services and mobile applications, that enable advanced features as strong authentication and document signature.
  • Exclusive features such as Multi Factors Protection, Encrypted Data, Encrypted message and more.

Ovation Specialized Private Consultation

Take advantage of our specialized services for effective risk mitigation, privacy enhancement and tailored security.


$200per month
  • Includes a 10-hour prepaid time block of private consulting on any one of our specialized services that can be used 1 hour at a time during the course of the 12 months that follows the date of purchasing.


of cellphones and tablets have no security software


of fraudulent transactions come from mobile devices applications


increase in reported cybercrime since Covid-19 according to the FBI

Enjoy Peace of Mind

Our experience and expertise are available to you 24/7 to make sure you live the peaceful life you deserve.